Codominance<span> is a relationship between two versions of a gene. Individuals receive one version of a gene, called an allele, from each parent. If the alleles are different, the dominant allele usually will be expressed, while the effect of the other allele, called recessive, is masked.
Credit: The internet </span>
<em>The main direct cause of biodiversity loss is land use change (primarily for large-scale food production) which drives an estimated 30% of biodiversity decline globally. Second is overexploitation (overfishing, overhunting and overharvesting) for things like food, medicines and timber which drives around 20%.</em>
See the answer below
A DNase is also known as deoxyribonuclease and it is an enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid by cleaving the phosphodiester linkage in their structures. Thus,<em> if the RNA is treated with a DNase before the plants are exposed to it, it will not make any difference. The plants will develop the same types of lesions as if they have been exposed to the mosaic virus.</em>
Unlike DNase, RNase is a ribonuclease, an enzyme that is capable of carrying out catalytic degradation of ribonucleic acids. <em>This means that if the RNA is treated with RNase before the plants are made to be exposed to it, they will not develop the lesions because the RNA would have been degraded by the enzyme.</em>
A protease is an enzyme that degrades the structure of proteins. <em>Treating a RNA with protease will thus have no effect on the structure of the RNA. Exposing the plants to the protease-treated RNA will make no difference. The plants will still come down with the lesions as if they have been exposed to the virus. </em>
The radial symmetry animals get information through their receptor cells and neurons present all over their body.
Radial symmetry animals can be cut in different directions. The central axis separates it into 2 equal halves and again it can be cut into 4 directions.
e.g. Hydra, sea urchin, starfish, etc
They are invertebrates have sense organs, but these sense organs are not well defined. Each symmetry of the body has sense organs. These radial symmetry organisms have oral and aboral parts.
Sea urchins, starfishes, Hydra are light sensitive. They possess photoreceptor cells in their epithelial linings. Starfishes also sensitive to touch, light, and temperature. Their spines and tube feet have motor nerves, which control their movement.
Eyespots in starfishes also help in detecting objects. It is composed of epithelial cells and responds to light. They lack a brain but have a complex nervous system. This nervous system consists of a sensory nerve and motor nerve. It spreads all over the body. Hence starfishes can react according to the stimuli.