B. Crack down on government corruption.
A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.
Renaissance art used humanist ideas by focusing on the secular and human forms as well as nature and other worldly subjects rather than focusing on religious imagery which dominated artwork prior to this period in Europe.
Baby boom generation generation is considered to be more self-centered, individualistic, economically optimistic, skeptical, suspicious of authority, and focused on the present than other generations.
It was recorded that approximately eighty million babies were born during the baby boom time which began from 1946 to 1964. Due to the baby boom who served to be the later consumers increased the scenario of consumerism and there was demand for domestic products, suburban homes, transport services.
Due to the baby boom, United states plunged into a phase of economic growth when homes and apartments were built, powers supply and electricity was connected to the house holds, roads were laid, sewer systems were modernized and this led to a complete advancement of the society.