4 km
There are 1.60934 km in a mile
2.5 m * 1.60934 km = 4 km
The stars that is very dim and red is called Red Dwarfs.
C. Cytology is the study of cells, while histology is the study of tissues
Just learned about cytology, and searched up histology, and it is about tissues. Every other answer is wrong.
Hope this helped :)
I think it’s option B
I hope it helps you
This is called Night blindness.
It is also known as nyctalopia and is a vision impairment. this happens when the rods in the eyes do not transform light into the nerve impulses efficiently and easily than normal. As a result you will be having hard time seeing in dark places where there is only minimal light.
This is can be caused by cataracts, nearsightedness, usher syndrome or deficiency of vitamin A. These can be cured by certain procedures. To prevent developing this eye problem, it is important to take care of your eyes. you should monitor sugar levels and eat the right foods. foods that are abundant in vitamin A and other antioxidants would in preventing it.