the dinasour
because woody like chop so i chopped his wood
Chemical Fertilizers
C. Algal blooms followed by eutrophication is the correct one
Stockyard Runoff
Correct D. Increased biological oxygen demand/decreased dissolved oxygen
Soil disturbance
Correct A. Erosion, flooding; clogged shipping channels and harbors
Correct B. Reproductive failure, poisoning, and/or death (pollinators, pets, livestock, predators, children)
For industrial agriculture to be effective and productive today, we have to take into account many factors so our practices function in a good way. When it comes to chemical fertilizers, it is NOT a risk the Increased biological oxygen demand/decreased dissolved oxygen
, the correct risk is algal blooms followed by eutrophication. Regarding Stockyard Runoff it is wrong to think the algal blooms followed by eutrophication as risk, the actual risk is the increased biological oxygen demand/decreased dissolved oxygen. The risk in soil disturbance
is the erosion, flooding; clogged shipping channels and harbors and thinking about pesticides
, they are in risk for reproductive failure, poisoning, and/or death (pollinators, pets, livestock, predators, children)