MOD means the remainder after a division calculation.
The remainder is 3
Tables are used to display information in a more arranged and organized manner.
Various ways of adding a row in an already existing table are:
1) By drawing a row in the table using the draw option.
2) By using the insert option under the Table Tools tab.
3) By designing the table with an added row using the Design tab.
In the insert option, go to the extreme right corner. There appears an option of Draw Table. Draw another row and it gets added.
This tab contains two tabs, Design and Layout that enable you to rapidly arrange your table, embed or erase lines and sections, set the arrangement for cells, and organization the typography of the content in your table.
Thus, a table and its capacity are built up from here on and open for designing.
theSentence = input('Enter sentence: ')
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[]
for word in theSentence:
sentence_split_list = ' '.join(sentence_split_list)
Using the input function in python Programming language, the user is prompted to enter a sentence. The sentence is splited and and a new list is created with this statements;
theSentence = theSentence.split()
sentence_split_list =[ ]
In this way every word in the sentence becomes an element in this list and individual operations can be carried out on them
Using the append method and list slicing in the for loop, every word in the sentence is converted to a PIG LATIN
The attached screenshot shows the code and output.
Option a: Trojan
A Trojan or Trojan horse is one of the computer malware that exist in computing world. Trojan often appears as a legitimate software to deceive user to activate it by social engineering. Once the Trojan is activated in the user computer, a hacker can remote control the infected computer for malicious purposes such as removing files, sending files, displaying message or rebooting computer.
However, Trojan cannot be replicated in the infected computer.
Press F2 to see if the System Diagnostics or Hardware Diagnostics UEFI menu displays.
Start the HP BIOS Setup utility and view the Advanced > Diagnostics screen for supported diagnostics.
Boot to Windows and launch HPSA. Search for HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI.
All HP commercial products manufactured after 2009 have HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI installed on the hard drive.