The right options are; Plantae, Archaebacteria, Animalia, Eubacteria, Protista, and Fungi.
Kingdom is the highest taxonomic group into which living organisms are grouped. The six kingdoms of life include; Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Organisms are grouped into different kingdoms based on the similarities or common features that exist between them. Some the features that are used in grouping organisms include; the cell type (prokaryotic or eukaryotic), mode of reproduction (asexual or sexual), and how they obtain their food (ingestion, absorption and photosynthesis).
The arm and base of microscope are connected with each other with help of inclination joint. which provide easiness to user during research analysis or other microscopic studies.
It has significant role in light and compound microscope that need light for visualization of examine sample. It also help in easy rotation during focusing toward light for better contrast.
The defective CFTR protein changes ion influx and efflux across the body's cell membranes, which ultimately changes the internal environment of these cells. This change contributes to each cell's production of proteins through transcription and translation.
The defective CFTR protein changes ion influx and efflux across the body's cell membranes, which ultimately changes the internal environment of these cells. This change contributes to each cell's production of proteins through transcription and translation.
The force of surface tension in the lungs is so great that without something to reduce the surface tension, the airways would collapse after exhalation, making re-inflation during inhalation much more difficult and less effective. Collapse of the lungs is called alectasis.
Answer: ATP releases energy when it converts to ADP .
During energy needs, the body cells directs the loss of a phosphate group (Pi) from ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) to yeild ADP (adenosine Diphosphate), and a further loss will yield AMP (adenosine monophosphate). For each loss energy is also released when a phosphate is removed
The reaction involves the addition of water, so it is a hydrolytic reaction, and is catalyzed by enzymes of the mitochondria, and is represented as the equation below:
ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi + free energy