It must be William The Conquerer
In Gurung villages, the rodhi ghar was essentially a place to relax, a house in the village where the community gathered after a full day's work to sing, dance and be festive. ... With talk of love and marriage forming the basis of the singing, the proceedings inevitably tilted to the erotic.
The most important purpose of criminal procedure is to maintain a proper balance between order and liberty. Order is the lawful limits put on the freedom of an individual to maintain the domestic tranquility which is necessary for the government to function properly and is necessary I hope this helps
johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed also known as
John Chapman who was American pioneer nurseryman arround 1800's. He introduced apple trees to different regions such as Illinois, some part of parts of Pennsylvania as well as Indiana and West Virginia.Johnny Appleseed was in year 1774 in born in Leominster, Massachusetts. His dream is that he doesn't want anyone to go with hunger, he produced as many apples as he could. It should be noted that johnny Appleseed wrote that the Romans cultivated twenty-three different varieties of apple.
Well, it certainly give more power for different groups of people to be involved in the government.
For example, Earlier,Women in USA did not have the right to vote and now they do. This allow our society evolve toward a better equality