Disregarded. The answer is D.
get the 100 blocks 10 times
Pentameter is the meter form where there are five metrical feet/ beats in a given line of poetry. And this style has different forms namely iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic.
Iambic is the number of feet used in a line of poetry. In this pattern, the unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. And in this form of metrical feet, the line contains five stressed syllables and five unstressed syllables.
Alexander the Great had the whim, with the stressed syllables in bold.
The line "Alexander the Great had the whim" is an example of iambic pentameter.
Reading up on the topics and finding the most interesting, shocking things about this topic.
Speaking to other people and find out why it motivates them.
Making yourself vulnerable as a writer is a key to being a successful writer. Dare to expose why you are personally invested in a topic and how it has affected you. Share your story – nobody else can tell it. Be flexible about sharing some details. You do not have to tell your life story in order to get people to listen – just share some information that is interesting and revolves around a certain topic.
For example, if you were writing about ice cream, make it personalized. Writing like a robot can make even ice cream sound unappetizing. Nobody really wants to read an article that begins with, “Ice cream tastes great. Many people like it.” Try something more personal: “The first time I took a delicious, creamy morsel of frozen, chocolately ice cream into my mouth, I smiled, and proceeded to eat the whole bowl.”
Hope this helps. :)
My opinion is to stay with your friend and trust you instincts