In the respiratory system, the main difference between the conducting portion of the respiratory system is its parts and function. The former contains air-transmitting passages (with respiratory system acting as a filter) as well as special portions functioning for smell, phonation and alimentation. The latter however, is a location where actual gas exchange occurs which of course contains different parts than the conduction portion.
Tell Somone that your close to or your teachers!
Answer:LSD is categorized as a hallucinogenic drug
Definition of a standard drink in the US. 14 grams of pure alcohol in any drink or 0.6 fluid ounce (that is 18 grams). The amount of alcohol in any drink is important. Standard drink - Regular Beer. 5% , 350 ml.
So when I eat it u don’t have nothing to worry about anything but if there’s seed you have to take it out and it’s bothering