The data from the Florida Crash Reports and annual registrations and licensure numbers indicate that in 2004, 416 motorcyclists died in Florida while in 2008 the number reached 532.In 2008, 55 % of the fatalities were wearing helmets, while 35% were with no helmet. The Florida Rider Training Program (FRTP) is an effort established to educate the public on fatalities in motor cycle fatalities.
Because they want everyone to fail and I don’t like them…
Aspiration can be positive since it allows motivation. For example, the aspiration of one day owning a car motivates a person to work hard. On the other hand, this can have a negative effect when the aspirations are are set too high and not met for instance, someone aspiring a goal of becoming a millionaire was not met. This could affect the person by causing them to loose all motivation and potentially loose themselves and other aspirations.
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