Competition is most likely to occur between two organisms. When the organisms interfere with each others resource or when organisms interfere with each others reproduction which will cause the others life to be in short or danger.
The temperature must be changed to 4 times of the initial temperature so as to keep the pressure and the volume the same.
Pressure in the container is P and volume is V.
Temperature of the helium gas molecules =
Molecules helium gas = x
Moles of helium has = 
PV = nRT (Ideal gas equation)
After removal of helium gas only a fourth of the gas molecules remains and pressure in the container and volume should remain same.
Molecules of helium left after removal = 
Moles of helium has left after removal = 

The temperature must be changed to 4 times of the initial temperature so as to keep the pressure and the volume the same.
B. Ionic Compound
An ionic compound is that compound which contains a positively charged ion called CATION and a negatively charged ion called ANION. The cation loses or transfers electrons to the anion, hence, making the former (cation) positive and the latter (anion) negative.
A polyatomic ion is an ion that contains more than one type of atom e.g OH-, NO3²-, CO3²- etc. A polyatomic ion usually has an overall charge formed from the charges of the individual atoms that makes it up. For example, in OH-, the overall charge is -1.
Since a polyatomic ion can have an overall positive or negative charge, it must enter a reaction with another ion that complements it i.e. a negative polyatomic ion will react with a positive ion to neutralize its charge. Hence, this forms an IONIC COMPOUND. This is why most compounds with polyatomic ions are IONIC COMPOUNDS.
For example, CaCO3 is an ionic compound formed when Ca²+ (cation) reacts with the polyatomic anion: CO3²-
The result is a superposition which is twice the amplitude of each input wave. Φ = π means the two waves are completely OUT OF PHASE, and so add completely destructively. The result is a superposition which has no amplitude at all.
The result is a superposition which is twice the amplitude of each input wave. Φ = π means the two waves are completely OUT OF PHASE, and so add completely destructively. The result is a superposition which has no amplitude at all.