you need to earn a doctoral degree
For the most part, you need a Master of Science in Nursing, or MSN, to become an advanced practice nurse. Depending on the exact nature of the work you wish to do, you may even choose to earn a doctoral degree, which those who wish to become Clinical Nurse Specialists often do.
Poor diet: eating foods high in fat, or sugary sweets can increase risk for gout. Untreated hypertension, diabetes and heart conditions Obesity is also a great risk factor. Medications that are given to treat hypertension such as thiazides can increase risk for gout. Family history can also cause increased risk, as well as age and sex. Males are at ahigher risk for gout than females and develop it earlier on whereas females usually are at a higher risk after menopause.
Exercising doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym. Exercises can be done at the comforts of your home too, and there's plenty of exercise available, especially for those who have less time to do so. Just like for example, waiting time. While you are waiting for your clothes in the washing machine to finish, you may use this time to do some basic exercises such as running in place, jumping jacks or carrying weights. It may only take a few minutes, but performing these exercises in less time is better than not doing it at all.
um we need a picture of Section 5 in your textbook