Typically an opinion would make the information less reliable.
Since you did not provide the lines 1-16 I cannot read it myself, though usually an opinion will hinder the information because it does not include proven facts.
Answer for question 1: Re-enactors will never be able to completely replicate all of the situations and challenges of life in the past. Re-enactors, like historians, suffer limitations that cannot be ignored. A paucity of historical sources, for example, may mean that a recreated regiment can never be certain that its clothes are identical to those worn by troops serving in the regiment in the past. Furthermore, for the reasons of cleanliness and safety, certain characteristics cannot be replicated. Most re-enactment groups attempt to compensate for these inescapable modern effects (such as the use of modern toilets rather than digging a trench and food carried from home rather than scavenged in a nearby village) by striving for a realistic representation in every other manner.
Answer for question 2: In the absence of an audience, mainstream reenactors make an effort to appear real, yet they may fall out of character. Hidden stitches and undergarments may not be period-appropriate, but visible stitches are likely to be made in a period-correct manner. Food served in front of an audience is likely to be historically accurate, although it may not be seasonally or geographically appropriate. Modern things are occasionally utilized "after hours" or in a covert manner. The normal approach is to put on a nice show, but correctness is only required to the extent that others can see it.
Visitors to re-enactment activities obtain an understanding of a particular period. They gain an appreciation of how different life was in the past by simply asking questions, watching how food is prepared over a campfire, and looking at the tents that were used to sleep in. It's a true hands-on experience, since visitors are frequently allowed to sample food, touch uniforms to feel how heavy the cloth is, and learn about the steps involved in firing a musket. Through these contacts with the public, re-enactors pass on their expertise and perspective, making history very accessible. This is what distinguishes re-enactment from more traditional methods of teaching and learning history.
Mainly technological advancements.
Answer: To show the difference between an educated, refined noble class and coarse, crude commoners. However, this doesn't mean that Shakespeare resented the commoners. It was a self-explanatory fact that the nobles and educated were refined enough to use iambic pentameter in talking to each other - but this has many exceptions too; there are many moments in his plays when the nobles use prose or blank verse, for example when they are chatting to each other or are intoxicated. However, Shakespeare's blank verse and prose, though devoid of contemporary poetic mannerisms, are extremely witty and rich in meaning and associations.