She needs to put the fingertip on ice to preserve it increasing the chances of medical staff being able to reattach it. Then seek medical help as soon as possible to stop the bleeding and prevent any infection in the wound and to have the fingertip reattached.
Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by impaired ability to coordinate voluntary movements (ataxia) and disease of the peripheral nervous system (peripheral neuropathy).
If a child can’t rely on his carers to look after him and respond consistently, this has been noted to have potentially very serious and damaging consequences for the adult that child will become. If adults are seriously inconsistent or unresponsive in their behaviour to the child, he may become very anxious as he is not able to predict how the adults around him will act; the child may even give up trying to get his needs met.Children whose caregivers respond sensitively to the child’s needs at times of distress and fear in infancy and early childhood develop secure attachments to their primary caregivers. These children can also use their caregivers as a secure base from which to explore their environment. They have better outcomes than non-securely attached children in social and emotional development, educational achievement and mental health. Early attachment relations are thought to be crucial for later social relationships and for the development of capacities for emotional and stress regulation, self-control and metallisation…
overstimulation is the correct answer
The passage listed above in my own words:
Ischemic strokes are the most common type of stroke. They occur when a blood vessel that leads to the brain becomes clogged usually by blood clots, which are clumps of blood that stick together. The blood sticks together in order to stop bleeding. However, they often form inappropriately inside an artery or vein , causing the blood flow to decrease and the blood can't get where it needs to be. Another reason for Ischemic strokes is because sometimes, arteries become narrow and clogged, usually with plaque, which is a mix of fatty stuff and cholesterol that stick to the walls of blood vessels.
Hope this helped! :)