Since all thoroughbreds have the same birthday — January 1 — the best bet for a racing horse is to raise so that the foal drops right after that date. This means the yearling at his first birthday is a five-year-old and from then on he is ahead of the game with a five year of maturation before each.
The phenotype of antenna in crawfish depends on the protein amount in the antenna length. The offspring have different phenotype than their parent because of the amount of protein translated from each parent gene is determining in this.
The gene determines the amount of protein to be present in the antenna to determine its length.
Data given:
Two crawfish parent = medium length antennae, genotyoe Ll
One offspring = short antenna, genotype ll
one offspring = long antennae, genotype LL
The traits in offspring is shown as:
L l
l Ll ll
The proportion of allele present in the gene determined the length of the antenna in crawfish.
The difference in length of the antenna in crawfish is due to the amount of protein for the phenotype present in the individual. The amount of protein to be expressed in the crawfish is given by both the parents. The tendency of protein expresed define the phenotype of antenna length.
Answer: When the plant has enough water in its cells the guard cells swell up and open the stomata. When the plant isn't getting enough water the guard cells can't swell and the stomata stay closed, so the plant doen's lose water. But if the stomata are closed photosynthesis can't happen and eventually the plant might starve.
Answer: Enviroment
Explanation: Environmental factors or conditions influences growth, health