If the DNA codons are altered in an organism, the genetic code will be inaccurate. This will result in genetic mutations and disorders, depending on how drastic the change was. The two types of mutations are point mutations, that just replace one nucleotide. There's also frame shift mutations, where the amount of codons are incorrect.
<span>The uppermost vertebrae in the neck is called "atlas", and the second highest vertebrae in the neck is called axis". These vertebrae can also be referred to as C1 and C2, which refers to their position along the cervical chain.</span>
The correct answer is diffusion of innovation theory.
The DOI or diffusion of innovation theory was postulated in 1962 by E.M. Rogers. It is considered as one of the oldest theories in the field of social science. It was deduced in order to illustrate how with time, a product or an idea attains momentum and spreads via a particular social system or population. The eventual outcome of this diffusion is that the individuals, which are the components of a social system, adopts a novel behavior, notion, or a product.
Here adoption signifies that an individual does something distinctly than what he or she was doing previously. The prime condition of adoption is that the individual must acquire the behavior, idea, or product as a novel or innovative thing. Getting amended with a novel concept, product, or behavior does not take place instantaneously within a social system, however, it is a thing in which some individuals possess the tendency to adopt a new thing more easily in comparison to others.
Bacteria perform important functions in the soil, decomposing organic residues from enzymes released into the soil. Each functional bacteria group plays a role in recycling soil nutrients.
A. Melting the substance doses not change the substance