<h2>Answer: traits healthy is like when your partner care about you. your healthy and everything around you. And unheathly is like when your partner try to control you and everything around you . unhealthy example : is when your partner try to control your movment, your relathionship, physical , mental, emotion include everyhing. heathly example is whne your partner care about you like, your physical, metal , emotion and how helthy you are.</h2>
A healthy relationship contains communication, understanding, and patience. If your relationship is healthy your partner should never cause you to feel worn down their presence should make a bad day better.
An unhealthy relationship contains no communication, misunderstandings, and the absence of patience. There could be manipulation involved under the surface or abuse. If your partner scares you or makes you feel bad about who you are, how you look, etc they are unhealthy and you should ut someone like that out of your life.