// here is code in C++
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
int n,no_open=0;
cout<<"enter the number of lockers:";
// read the number of lockers
// initialize all lockers with 0, 0 for locked and 1 for open
int lock[n]={};
// toggle the locks
// in each pass toggle every ith lock
// if open close it and vice versa
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int a=0;a<n;a++)
else if(lock[a]==1)
cout<<"After last pass status of all locks:"<<endl;
// print the status of all locks
for(int x=0;x<n;x++)
cout<<"lock "<<x+1<<" is close."<<endl;
else if(lock[x]==1)
cout<<"lock "<<x+1<<" is open."<<endl;
// count the open locks
// print the open locks
cout<<"total open locks are :"<<no_open<<endl;
return 0;
First read the number of lockers from user.Create an array of size n, and make all the locks closed.Then run a for loop to toggle locks.In pass i, toggle every ith lock.If lock is open then close it and vice versa.After the last pass print the status of each lock and print count of open locks.
enter the number of lockers:9
After last pass status of all locks:
lock 1 is open.
lock 2 is close.
lock 3 is close.
lock 4 is open.
lock 5 is close.
lock 6 is close.
lock 7 is close.
lock 8 is close.
lock 9 is open.
total open locks are :3
The advantages of java.util.Stack are as following:-
- java.util.Stack is an implementation of the vector class hence it can keep track of position of elements in the stack hence it is not required to store an additional pointer for each node.
- In the implementation it allocates space only that much is needed.
These are the two advantages of java.util.Stack.
A computer input device in the form of a small panel containing different touch-sensitive areas.
Moon Is Far from Earth
The reason we can see the glowing outer edge of the Sun at the maximum point of an annular eclipse is that it happens while the Moon is near its farthest point from Earth, called apogee, when the Moon is smaller than the Sun when viewed from Earth.