Heavy rainfall is characteristic of Bangladesh. ... Because of its location just south of the foothills of the Himalayas, where monsoon winds turn west and northwest, the regions in northeastern Bangladesh receives the greatest average precipitation, sometimes over 4000 mm per year.
<em>the Oedipus complex </em>
<em>The Oedipus complex </em><em>is also referred to as 'Oedipal complex' is described as a term that was proposed by </em><em>Sigmund Freud </em><em>in the 'psychosexual stages of development theory'. It was an attempt made to understand a child's feelings of urges and desires towards his or her parent possessing opposite sex as that of him i.e, a boy's feelings of desires towards his mother and however, consisting anger and jealousy towards the same-sex parent i.e, a boy towards his father.</em>
<em>As per the question, Freud would suggest that Liam is experiencing the Oedipus complex.</em>
South pole (Antarctica)
Antarctica, one of several world's seven continents, is home to the Southern Hemisphere. The arctic ocean just above South Pole would be about 2,700 metres high, despite the fact that the land is just a few thousand feet above sea level.
I believe Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on mental illnesses and their preventions.
Positive correlation happens when higher values of a variable are associated with higher values of the other variable. So, if two variables are positively correlated, an increase in one variable would imply that the other should also increase. The scatter diagram of positively correlated variables consists of points nearly lying on a positively sloped line
(hindi) सकारात्मक संबंध तब होता है जब एक चर के उच्च मूल्य अन्य चर के उच्च मूल्यों से जुड़े होते हैं। इसलिए, यदि दो चर सकारात्मक संबंधित होते हैं, तो एक चर में वृद्धि का अर्थ होता है कि दूसरे को भी बढ़ाना चाहिए। सकारात्मक सहसंबंधित चर के स्कैटर आरेख में एक सकारात्मक स्लॉप्ड लाइन पर झूठ बोलने वाले बिंदु होते हैं