Imperialism is the intention of one country to rule over another country: for example Great Britain wanted to gain control over India - this is an example of imperialism.
For this land is definitely needed : without a land, there is no "other" land to take over.
I would say that the other necessary aspect is people: the ruling country will need some local population to rule the country, if not only to translate and help them communicate with the local population.
IS THE "NEW DEAL" SOCIALISM? A SOCIALIST LEADER ANSWERS; Norman Thomas Says No -- That What Roosevelt Has Done Is To Lay the Foundations for a Structure of State Capitalism.
If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds vote in each house, it becomes law without the President's signature. Otherwise, the bill fails to become law unless it is presented to the President again and the President chooses to sign it.
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This quotation shows the different view point between Jeannette's and her mother on materialism, from the book, The Glass Castle
From the quotation we can safely say that Jeannette's mother is not materialistic in nature, hence she makes Jeannette understand that she do not need money for true happiness.
This war is known as The Great Roman Civil War (49–45 BC) or Caesar's Civil War and began due to a series of political and military confrontations. Mainly when Ceasar started to be seen as the champion of the common people and began to push a series of reforms. This caused The Senate to begin fearing Ceasar's power and demanded that he turn over all command of his army. Upon refusing to give up his power over his army, he decided to instead march his Army to Rome and attack.