B. globalization destroys cultures.
Globalization means that inevitably cultures are mingled, during the process some cultures may change influenced by other external cultures.
In our 21st century world it is very difficult to stay beyond globalization, for instance, even the most remote societies are connected to western culture to some extent.
Today we know much more about far-eastern cultures than we knew a few decades ago.
Answers A and C are completely false, globalization causes factories to relocate from high-income to low-income countries which means that workers in poor countries have more jobs.
There is a chance that people won't be able to relate to the proverbs: then the effect will be very small.
But if people can relate to the proverbs, they could be inspired, for example if they are afraid to act, they could derive courage from the proverbs.
People can also feel less lonely, if the proverbs express their feelings: then they will know they are not the only ones to feel the way they feel
They hunt for the limbs and sell it on the black market, for use of "potion" to bring "goodluck" and "bring wealth".
(i hope i helped)