The pH will be very High.
The electron chain is responsible for generating the Proton Motive Force, which pumps H+ (protons) into the inter membrane space, to lower the pH.Therefore if Cyanide inhibits the ETC, the PMF will be stopped.
Hydrogen ions will not be pumped into the inter-membrane space,to lower the pH of the medium for increase acidity. Hence, electrochemical gradient from the diffusion of H+ back into the matrix will not be generated,
Energy for ATP synthesis by ATPase Enzyme will not be produced. Therefore ATP synthesis will stop.
Trunk flexor muscles. Hopes this helps.
The correct option is C. Motor neuron does not fire action potentials
During contraction, the motor nerve passes down an action potential. A neuromuscular junction is formed by the motor neuron which stimulates the entry of calcium ions. The calcium ions bind to structures called as troponin which stimulates the binding of the filaments, actin and myosin. The filaments begin to contract by using ATP.
During relaxation, the action potential is stopped. Calcium is taken back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. As a result, actin and myosin filaments do not link and hence, the contraction is stopped.
In animal cells transcription is usually a one way path