Trials will be conducted in: U.S District Courts
There should be at least one U.S district courts in every states of United states. During the trial, a Judge will conduct a series of questions to determine whether the defendant is actually breaking the law or not. and decide the future actions or punishment depended on the development of the case.
The answer is maladaptive. Maladaptive behaviors inhibit your ability to perform daily activities healthily. These behaviors hinder our ability to cope with stress, adapt to changes and adjust to the daily demands of life. These behaviors may give you an escape goat to avoid the stressor instead of dealing with it and find ways to face it.
We can do it geographically, politically etc
The book of Exodus says that after crossing the Reed Sea, Moses led the Hebrews into the Sinai, where they spent 40 years wandering in the wildnerness. Three months into the desert, the Hebrews camped at the foot of the Mountain of God.