c. dissolved
the energy to be dissolved is not high.
1:1:0:0 Round yellow to Wrinkled yellow to round green to wrinkled green.
The human genome contains around 20,687 protein-coding genes. Different genes or instructions are read at different times in different cells in response to the requirements of our bodies. Each cell contains two sets of genes, one from your mother and one from your father.
less than 1%
The approximate percentage of the geologic time that humans have existed on the Earth since its origin is less than 1%.
The earth is about 4.6 billion years and much of its history has been without the present of human activities.
- Hominis were the first human to appear on the surface of the earth.
- This was in the Miocene epoch which was about 6 million years ago.
- Compared to the age of the earth, this time lapse is very small and not up to 1%.
- Life first appeared on earth about 3.5billion years.
- Since then evolution has taken its due course to give what we have today.