Since decimals have places in 10 100 and 1000 you need a denominator with those number but since you already have a 10 you take the 7 and add a 0. in front so the answer is 0.7
As Soon As Possible is what asap means or asap yams rip or asap ferg and rocky
The left term is (5x)³.
The right term is 10³.
So, you can use the formula for the factorization of the difference of cubes.
... a³ - b³ = (a-b)(a² +ab +b²)
Here, you have a=5x, b=10, so the factorization is
... 125x³ -1000 = (5x-10)(25x² +50x +100)
The answer for this problem is -8x+2
63 + 36...there is a common factor of 9
9(7 + 4) <== this is equivalent
63 + 36...there is a common factor of 3
3(21 + 12)...but this is not an answer choice...but it is equivalent