Ella ahorró dinero (she saved money)
Nosotros gastamos dinero en el supermercado (we spend money in the supermarket)
Tu trabajas? (Do you work?)
Ellos trabajan en el restaurante (they work at the restaurant)
Yo saco 100 del cajero automático (i took out 100 from the something)
1. Where did Alex keep most of his money? (16)
2. What US state does Alex's family live? (16)
3. Was Kate cold at the airport to greet Alex? (17)
4. Several years earlier, what had Kate put in the chocolates she gave her grandchildren?
5. Describe the stories Kate told her grandchildren when they were children. (18)
6. What season was it in this chapter? (19)
7. Who did Alex meet at the bus stop? (20/21)
8. Was the girl at the bus stop older or younger than Alex? (twenty)
9. What did the girl want to do (become)? (twenty-one)
10. Why would the girl have to get off the bus? (22)
11. What is a talking thing inside the girl's bag? (22)
12. Where and when did Alex and Cecila Burns meet? (23)
13. What are Alex's two talents? (23)
14. Who paid the girl's ticket? (23)
Answer:next in the sequence would be 19,21
i n spanish diecinueve,veintiuno
1. ¿Puedes bajar la voz por favor? or ¿Puedes hacer silencio por favor?
2. ¿Pueden sentarse porfavor? para que yo pueda ver.
3. No toques la pintura porfavor
4. Limpia el piso porfavor lo acabe de limpiar
5. I cant see number 5 the picture is blurry
6. ¿Puedes darme un lapiz por favor?
Its spelled PLATYPUS in english