In economics, the term M1 refers to very liquid money supply (money that is easy to get to) that includes the following:
- physical currency (coins and paper money)
- demand deposits,
- traveler's checks,
- other checkable deposits.
On the other, hand, M2 is less liquid money supply and it includes M1 plus:
- savings and time deposits,
- certificates of deposits,
- money market funds.
In general terms, the main difference between these two is how easy is to get access to them, M1 is more accessible (more liquid) than M2.
The question asks us about the <u>money supply that includes coins, paper money, traveler's checks, conventional checking accounts and checkable deposits. </u>We can see that all these refers to the most easily accessed money supply and thus <u>this is the definition of M1</u>
The Hill region has an even more extensive diversity with mountains, hills, deep valleys, and flatlands all in a small geographic area. It has a number of beautiful hills, hillocks, valleys, terrace land, small valleys, besi, tars, gorges, and meadows.
The two main threats to the spotted owl's continued survival are habitat loss and competition from the barred owl an invasive species native to eastern North America.
i hope i helped =)
Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness — called a “psychosis”— in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue.