First, you try to make sure that both the denominators are the same. In order to do this, you multiply both fractions' numerator and denominator by the other fraction's denominator. Next, you combine like terms in the numerator, and then you simplify the fraction.
joe mamma!!!
Step-by-step explanation:
1/2in = 16 mi
2 3/4 in without whole numbers [(denominator ×whole) + numerator] / denominator
4×2 = 8 +3 = 11/4
Find common denominator for 1/2 and 11/4 (common D Is 4)
Multiply 1/2 by 2/2
2/4 in = 16 mi divide this by 2
2/4 ×1/2 = 1/4
16 /2 = 8
1/4 = 8
1/4 goes into 11/4 11 times
Multiply 8 times 11
88 miles (D)
End zone to end zone is = length so his scale is 6 in and in real life it is 360 ft
To find scale divide 360 by 6
1in = 60 ft (B)
160 ft wide
(divide 160 by 60 ft ) fraction
160/60 is a fraction now simplify
Common factors of both numbers is 2
Simplify by 2
Make into whole number fraction
3 goes into 8 two times (2×3=6)(2 becomes whole number) while there's is 2 left over( 8 -6=2) (becoming the numerator)
2 2/3 in (B)
120 ft long
80 ft wide
24 in is scale of "long"
Divide 120 by 24
So 5in in scale equals 1ft in real life
To find width in scale divide 80 by 5
80/5= 16in (A)
If you have any trouble understanding feel free to let me know I will try to explain as best as I can :)
We can conclude that samples won’t affect how many bottles of wine a customer will buy.
67 degrees
Step-by-step explanation:
46 + 67 + x = 180
x = 67