Native Americans were removed from their traditional lands to make way for white settlement was relocated. The relocations began in 1817, and by the 1880s, Indian Territory (Oklahoma) was a new home to a variety of tribes, including the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Commanche, and Apache.
In 1889 President Harrison made the first of a long series of authorizations that eventually removed most of Indian Territory from Indian control in Oklahoma.
The Dawes Severalty Act (1887) allowed whites to settle large parts of land that had previously been designated to Indian tribes.
In short the Indians were twice removed from lands. One before settlers came and another after the government gave them territory.
Answer: World War II caused several severe hunger crises which led to many casualties, and may have had long-term effects on the health of survivors. For example, since the beginning of the German occupation in Poland, the nutritional situation of the non-German population was poor
These states quickly became known as Protestants. At first, this term Protestant was used politically for the states that resisted the Edict of Worms. Over time, however, this term came to be used for the religious movements that opposed the Roman Catholic tradition in the 16th century
It led to the construction of 41,000 mile network of interstate highways.
Explanation: This act was part of an important series of legislation designed to improve the nation's infrastructure.
They raised minimum wage, increased social security benefits,and the National Housing Act allowed for the construction of low-income housing