I believe the Project Mercury was the first program that first sent two people into Orbit.
It was the Soviet Union that put the two people to explore the Orbit.
Answer: crime of terrorizing
Terrorism is defined as the use of unlawful violence in order to inculcate fear which is done to intimidate the government or coerce them to agree to certain terms which are usually religious, or political.
Since the purpose of Mickey's attack on the village was to create a state of extreme fear and dread amongst other villages who might support the government, then he'll be charged with crime of terrorizing.
A - Semele; an eagle is the option your looking for.
Here are the 10 things you need to know about so-called 'coyotes', the groups of human smugglers that cross migrants in the U.S. border. 1. According to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), human smugglers are not the same as human traffickers.