They demanded better working conditions and benefits. Before, workers labored in dangerous and
unfair conditions. The Wagner Act gave unions an opportunity to organize
themselves and demand reforms. This help
increase the power of unions when it comes to demanding and negotiating for
better deals with management.
Yes indeed, it is true, Aristotle was greek and a philosopher and he believed that the plantes move in perfect circles, which was part of the thinking of the aristotelian cosmology
General Norman Schwärzkopf was the general.
<span>Tens of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans try to cross the Mediterranean each year because of various reasons: many tries to escape a life built on poverty and misery, other tries to get out from a very unstable country were they might not survive long or were there is a war in act, others tries to find a better life in the European countries, because there are no resources left in their own,
These refugees are commonly portrayed as dangerous people, perhaps people that come in the European country to stole jobs from Eupoean, or to take bits of help from the country there are in without contributing to the country, or they are criminals that do not want to work or pay taxes, or sometimes they are also portrayed as terrorist.</span>
The correct answer is "The founders of American Democracy would not have expected corruption in Philadelphia."
The orator appeals to its "Pathos" or appealing to the sentiment of the people who are listening to him by reminding them that under that same hall the "Fathers of American liberty" voted there once.