The main difference between LAN, MAN and WAN is the scope and coverage of the networks. LAN (Local area network) is usually used to connect computers in smaller distances such as in a building or in offices. They use various topologies such as bus topology, ring topology, star typology etc to connect the computers and share information only among the computers connected in LAN. A Metropolitan Network covers larger coverage than LAN and is usually used for connecting a city rather than single organization. A Wide Area Network is collection of networks or many LANS. The perfect example of WAN is internet which connects thousands and millions of networks. Another factor which distinguishes between LAN, MAN and WAN is that LAN and MAN are owned by certain entities such as government, educational institutions or organizations whereas WAN (i.e. Internet) is not owned by anyone.
Tier 1 support
Of the given options, tier 1 support technical group is the least experienced group. This group of technicians is also referred to as level 1 technical group.
The tier 1 or level support are made up of junior technician, and they have few technical understandings.
Their roles include email response and basic troubleshooting, attending to phone calls, among others.
When a problem cannot be solved by tier 1 support technicians, they pass the problem to tier 2 support technicians,
The answer to this question is given below in this explanation section.
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A) your temp gauge is moving into red
The process of using the new
information system and doing away
with the old system is known as
system <u>development</u>