All of the above
Linear search
You implement this algorithm by iterating over each item, and checking if the item matches what you are searching for.
It is linear because it takes a linear amount of time to search for an item.
- common = []
- num1 = 8
- num2 = 24
- for i in range(1, num1 + 1):
- if(num1 % i == 0 and num2 % i == 0):
- common.append(i)
- print(common)
The solution is written in Python 3.
Firstly create a common list to hold a list of the common factor between 8 and 24 (Line 1).
Create two variables num1, and num2 and set 8 and 24 as their values, respectively (Line 3 - 4).
Create a for loop to traverse through the number from 1 to 8 and use modulus operator to check if num1 and num2 are divisible by current i value. If so the remainder of both num1%i and num2%i will be zero and the if block will run to append the current i value to common list (Line 6-8).
After the loop, print the common list and we shall get [1, 2, 4, 8]
Answer explained
From the previous question we know that while searching for n^(1/r) we don't have to look for guesses less than 0 and greater than n. Because for less than 0 it will be an imaginary number and for rth root of a non negative number can never be greater than itself. Hence lowEnough = 0 and tooHigh = n.
we need to find 5th root of 47226. The computation of root is costlier than computing power of a number. Therefore, we will look for a number whose 5th power is 47226. lowEnough = 0 and tooHigh = 47226 + 1. Question that should be asked on each step would be "Is 5th power of number < 47227?" we will stop when we find a number whose 5th power is 47226.
The resultant value is 0
Given that:
The +5 representation in signed 2's complement integer: 00000101
When we right shift then, 4 rightmost bit (0101) will be dropped.
The number after 4-bit right shift: 00000000
Therefore the resultant value after 4-bit right shift is "0" in decimal.