All you have to do is take the CGR (capita growth rate) percentage you just found and divide it by the number of years, months, etc. The complete formula for annual per capita growth rate is: ((G / N) * 100) / t, where t is the number of years.
8. Mitochondria
9. The structure affects its function because in its inner membrane allows for more surface area and that increases the amount of ATP that is produced by it. <span>
Enzymes are proteins that are biological catalysts
They reduce the activation energy required for a reaction to occur and thus speed up a reaction
Temperature, above a certain point (optimum temperature) causes them to break down and they are gradually destroyed (denaturing)
They work best at a particular pH (optimum pH) and are once again destroyed by low or high pH's
They have a specific shape, with one particular part, known as the active site, that is specific to the substrate they speed the reaction of. These means they are specific to one type of reaction.
They aren't used in the reaction so they're re-usable.
If it isn't one of these then it is not one of the properties of enzymes