MAYA CULTURE AND ACHIEVEMENTS. The Ancient Mayans developed the science of astronomy, calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing. They were also known for creating elaborate ceremonial architecture, such as pyramids, temples, palaces, and observatories. These structures were all built without metal tools
They are trying to convey that the new deal does not work.
All of the labels on the bottles next to the sick person are new deal organizations. And congress represents the worrying wife who wants her husband to get better.
Way country clock
Was the original
It was because different states had their own dollars, and some places did not accept dollars from every state
As for material wise, the English realized that the American Colonies could provide a stable stream of funds that relied on the production, refining, and sale of many different supplies and crops. Such examples would be Tobacco, Sugar (not 100% on this one), and Cotton (later on). Other products that could be produced in the Americas were whale oil and seafood. As for influence, the English noticed that they could claim large parts of Unclaimed (and sometimes claimed, which they woukd fight for) North America such as parts of Canada and almost the entire East Coats in order to spread the influence of the Crown further throughout the world. It was also a power struggle fight between Britain, France, and Spain, which was another reason for the colonies.