
Step-by-step explanation:
You don't need to memorize all of the square roots. Looking at each square root, find a number close to it that you know -- The square root of five is close to the square root of four, which is 2. The square root of 28 is close to the square root of 25, which is 5. 28 is a slightly bigger than 25, so the square root will be slightly greater than 5.
A solid dot on the graph of an inequality indicates that the number is contained within the inequality, so yo should use


to represent that situation, whereas a white dot indicates that the number is not contained within the inequality.
Our graph is telling us that

is greater or equal than -1, and also

is less than 3. So our inequality will be:
Step-by-step explanation:
The expression says "add p to 52", so we know that we need to sum two values, one of them is the variable 'p', and the other is the value 52.
So, writing this expression in mathematical terms, we have:
With this expression, we added p to the number 52.
So the correct answer is the last one (the fifth one)
3. 3/2
4. -1/3
5. -3.5
6. -6and 2/3
7. -18and 13/24
8. 1/18
11. 14.963
Step-by-step explanation:
HOPE THIS HELPS, if not see me in the comments