Price = $3,241,718
To calculate issue price of the bonds we first calculate NPV of the bonds after 12 years and Interest payments of the bonds for 12 years.
NPV can be calculated by : Bond value * NPV factor after 12 years
so, Bond Value after 12 years = $3700 000 * 0.2567 = $949,790
We take the market interest rate for this.
Now we calculate Yearly interest payment = 3700000 * 10% = $370,000
we discount it back using annuity for 12 years so, 370000 * 6.1944 = $2,291,000. This is the total interest payments for 12 years in NPV terms.
To calculate issue price simply add Interest payments and Bond NPV value so,
Price = 2291000 + 949790 = $3,241,718
Hope that helps.
Answer:International trade deals within countries, while channel management is a form of trade that could be within the country or outside but seeking the best form or place for the market
International trade is the situation where two countries do business, either long distance buying(importing) or one is selling(exporting).
While Channel management is a technique for choosing the most efficient channels to sale or market your goods and making good profit or deriving the best result from those channel chosen.
Knowing the difference between the two terms is important so you can understand where best your market is appreciated and where best to avoid selling to.
International trade deals within countries, while channel management is a form of trade that could be within the country or outside but seeking the best form or place for the market
d. disband permanently or take a temporary break.
Adjournment stage is the fifth and last stage of group development. The group wraps up work and is disbanded. At this stage team members celebrate their successes and get closure in preparation for the next project.
Team members may feel low motivation and a sense of loss because of bonds they had formed. Some people refer to this stage as the mourning stage, and team members need to celebrate their achievements to boost moral.
1. Many people do not trust businesses that sell products online, especially if they are not familiar with the company’s name. Yet they will walk into a new business in their city and shop with little concern. What causes the difference in people’s views of online businesses versus traditional businesses?
The idea of interactive with a non human entity as a computer make people feel acquard as they distrust what are the final intentions of the person behind the e-shop. They also feel fear as ther dont know where they can go to complain about some deal gone wrong.
2. Do you agree with Dontae that it is easier to shop in an actual store in a mall than from the same business online? Why or why not?
No, it is easier to buy online as the person do not need to expend the same time an energy in going and buying from a mall
3. What is your opinion of Jillian’s comparison between entering a credit card number online and handing the card to a clerk who checks it using a telephone line from the store to the credit card company?
I agree, it is the same as buying online, as the clerk could commit a crime as well as the person that is in the telephone.
Chapter 2 Discussion
4. What do you think of Toni’s idea of downloading music for free? Do you think this is legal? How can Toni be sure that she is engaging in legal and ethical behavior when she uses the freemusic site?
Is a good idea and it depends in the type of page you are browsing. If the internet page has a disclaimer saying that the music that is offering is free to download and is legal there is no unethical behavor in it.