Metoclopramide is a drug widely used for its antiemetic effect (that is, used for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting). Its adverse reactions are varied, affecting even the central nervous system, causing extrapyramidal syndromes.
Due to the antidopaminergic action of metoclopramide. Signs and symptoms can range from spasms of the muscles of the face, neck or tongue, motor agitation and tremor, acatisia (feeling restless and in need of constant movement) and acute dystonic reactions. Extrapyramidal syndrome is transient and disappears after eliminating or decreasing the dose of metoclopramide.
Metoclopramide is a drug that can be administered intravenously. Its administration can be in bolus or by a continuous infusion. Is there any method of choice to prevent or reduce the occurrence of pyramidal syndromes?
A recent systematic review concluded that, compared with bolus administration, continuous intravenous infusion of metoclopramide reduced the occurrence of extrapyramidal side effects.
With this gesture we can perform quality care and try to avoid side effects to our patients.
Soil taxonomy is the system of soil classification used for mapping and classifying soils by the National Cooperative Soil Survey in the United States; it is used in many other countries as well. ... It employs a unique mnemonic system based on Greek, Latin, or other root words for assigning names to taxonomic classes
paracrine signaling.
Chemical signaling between cells is one of the most important ways that activities of tissues and organs are coordinated. The nervous system is the other major coordinating system in animals, but even here chemical signaling is used between adjacent neurons. The mechanisms involved are described as either being paracrine, autocrine, intracrine, endocrine, neuroendocrine or pheromones. Paracrine signals diffuse locally and act on neighboring cells.
The moment magnitude scale is a scale that rates earthquakes by estimating the total energy released by an earthquake . Estimating the total amount of energy released, enables comparison of earthquakes more accurately.
This scale can be used to rate earthquakes of all sizes, near or far. The following statements describe the moment magnitude scale:
B. It collects data using a seismograph.
D. It estimates the total energy released from an earthquake.
E. It determines the amount of damage caused by an earthquake.
<u>The stomach </u>
Digestion describes the intake, chemical and physical breakdown, absorption of nutrients and excretion of food with the use of enzymes. The stomach secretes the enzyme, gastric lipase to digest fats.
Further Explanation:
Food is chemically and mechanically broken down into smaller particles. In the stomach the enzyme gastric lipase acts on lipids, breaking them up into their components. Phospholipids, bile acids, bilirubin, and cholesterol are combined into bile in the liver, which when secreted into the duodenum of the small intestine; this comes from its storage site, the gall bladder, and functions as an emulsifier or as a detergent.
These hold the fats and water together and increase the surface area of lipids, which can be further digested by enzymes so the nutrients are further broken down for absorption into the bloodstream.
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Learn more about Fats and calories at
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