Decaffinated coffees and teas. Maybe some lightly caffinated teas. Stick to mostly water or maybe pressed juices
Tess needs to have a C-section right away!!!! The baby is probably breached that is why she is having pain. Have her husband hold her hand and tell her to breathe and it is okay.
Preventative medicine is a medical specialty that is involved in the healthy of individuals and communities. The major goal of preventative medicine is to encourage the health and well-being of others. As well as prevent death, disease and disabilities. A couple of examples of preventative medicine would be childhood immunizations and screening for hypertension.
Lipase is an enzyme the body uses to break down fats in food so they can be absorbed in the intestines. Lipase is produced in the pancreas, mouth, and stomach. ... Along with lipase, the pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon, two hormones the body needs to break down sugar in the bloodstream.