Momentum = mass x velocity, so 500kg x 2m/s = 1000 kg m/s
If the car in the opposite direction turns the signal on your vehicle, then it is only likely to give way and let him or her turn before you make your turn because he or she is in the right of way and by doing this, it will prevent any complication from happening and to be able to show respect and politeness in driving.
Ticker Tape analysis is a common way of analyzing the motion of the objects to perform in the physics laboratory. A long tape is attached to a moving object and threaded through a device that places a tick upon the tape at regular intervals of time. This ticker tape can also determine if the object is fast or slow. It can also reveal if the object is moving with a constant velocity or accelerating. The changing velocity and acceleration represented by the changing distance between dots in the ticker tape. And also the constant velocity and therefore no acceleration represent the constant distance between dots.