La conquista romana de Italia . Alrededor de 500 a. C., el idioma latino solo se hablaba en la ciudad de Roma y en el campo circundante.
Resultado de imagen para describir la conquista romana de Italia
La expansión romana en Italia cubre una serie de conflictos en los que Roma pasó de ser una pequeña ciudad-estado italiana a ser la gobernante de la península italiana . ... El nacimiento de la República romana después del derrocamiento del monarca etrusco de Roma en 509 a. C. comenzó una serie de guerras importantes entre los romanos y los etruscos.
they are:
biotechnology and pharmaceutics
banking and financial services
and furniture also.
Prophets are the messengers of Allah that spread the message of Allah and invite people to Islam. Allah sent 124000 prophets. Among them there are 4 Rasools
2. Libel
Libel is often described as a written statement made in "reckless disregard of the truth" that is considered damaging to a victim because it is "malicious, scandalous, and defamatory".
A libel most times disregards the truth nature of the statement being made.
Its intent is to paint someone or a group of people in bad light, hence making a victim of the person.
A situation whereby one goes ahead to make reckless statement about another without minding if what is been said is true, and also defaming the persons character through lies and malicious words, is simply a case of a libel.