In the late 1900's, in what became known as the Boxer Rebellion, was a Chinese secret organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists witch led an uprising in northern China against the spread of Western and Japanese influence there .
hOpee that thiss hass helped veryy well . :)
Answer: The current Georgia State Constitution was ratified on November 2, 1982. ... The Constitution can also be amended by proposal at a constitutional convention, the calling of which must receive the support of a two-thirds majority vote by both houses of the legislature and a simple majority of state voters.
Heyyy so your answer is actually B, for they did conquer and destroy the aztec and inca empires. A is related to the Europeans and c is not involved with the conquistadors
basically the graph is explaining how much money countries made by exporting items.
the American graph of exports had far less money from exports compared to Cuba