Homeostasis is the process whereby living systems maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in environmental conditions. Plants, like every other living organisms also perform this process to keep their internal environment in a stable state.
According to the question, some plants were exposed to ammonium nitrate, which serves as a nutrient, and 16 hours of sunlight needed for photosynthesis to take place. The plants exposed to ammonium nitrate and 16 hours sunlight grew taller because they had access to nutrients needed to bring about the process of photosynthesis, which provides the plant with energy source (Glucose).
The uptake of nutrients like ammonium nitrate by the plants is done in order to maintain a homeostatic internal environment. Without nutrients, which is the purpose of the ammonium nitrate, plants cannot grow. Hence, the plants exposed to ammonium nitrate, take it in to keep their internal environment functioning.
The sympathetic nervous system is involved in preparing the body for stress related activities; the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with returning the body to routine, day-to-day operations. The two systems have complementary functions, operating in tandem to maintain the body's homeostasis.
Should be Polygenic inheritance... which is a type of incomplete dominance
Morning commuter traffic in cities contributes to<u> photochemical</u> smog. In this type of air pollution, a mixing of <u>hydrocarbons</u> from certain plants, nitrogen oxides from cars, and UV radiation from the sun results in a variety of pollutants, such as ground-level ozone, which can cause coughing and breathing problems.
<em>Photochemical smogs are caused by the photochemical reaction of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides in the lower atmosphere with sunlight playing a major role. The reaction of the hydrocarbon with the nitrogen oxide in the presence of light leads to the evolution of ozone gas while nitrogen oxide has the capacity to react with the sunlight on its own to produce nitrogen dioxide. This result in the formation of smog</em>
The carrying ability of an ecosystem is the overall growth rate of a biological species that can be supported by that area, provided the available food, habitat, water, and other resources.
A pond populated briefly by ten turtles, for such, would be sustainable for the species' population.