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computer is a device for storing and processing data and also to communicate with people
You would identify the problem together with the person or persons involved.
Hello, There!
<h2>Your Question↓</h2>
What is the function of ROM?
Allows parts of the computer to communicate is the Correct Answer.
<h2>Now you May Ask What does it do or How it works↓</h2>
- ⇒ROM provides the necessary instructions for communication between various hardware components.
- ⇒ it is essential for the storage and operation of the BIOS, but it can also be used for basic data management, to hold software for basic processes of utilities.
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Therefore, I hope this helps!
public static String repeat(String text, int repeatCount) {
if(repeatCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("repeat count should be either 0 or a positive value");
if(repeatCount == 0) {
return "";
} else {
return text + repeat(text, repeatCount-1);
Here repeatCount is an int value.
at first we will check if repeatCount is non negative number and if it is code will throw exception.
If the value is 0 then we will return ""
If the value is >0 then recursive function is called again untill the repeatCount value is 0.