The age of enlightenment and advances in science/math/technology
setting the agenda, framing and printing
Setting the agenda entails the power of the media to bring public attention to particular issues and problems.
This is the power the media have to shape what issues Americans think about.
Framimg talks about the power the media have to influence how Americans think about those issues.
Both framing and setting-agenda shows the power the media wields in determining how Americans see things and what Americans see and talk about.
The discrimination against Jewish people increased as a result of growing nativist sentiment. The entry of the United states in WWI impacted Jewish-Americans by increasing their discrimination as a result of growing nativity sentiment. Hope this helps you out! :)
Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual's membership of a social group. For example, a person may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender etc.
Typically, the difference between Liberal and Conservative views in recent years lies within how much government involvement that we want in our day to day life.
- The conservative typically wants less government involvement in the economy. They tend to view that government involvement in economy will make the competition in the market become unfair. They see that your social and economic status are a reflection of your personal efforts. They also lean more to incorporating religious value into law and regulations.
- The liberals tend to want more government involvement in the economy. They believe that unregulated free market will create an income disparity that massively separated the rich and the poor. To handle it, the government should be involved in wealth distribution through taxes and welfare. They tend to disfavor influence of religion in law and regulation.