Answer: The English acquired the secrets of chocolate from the Spanish through raids on Spanish ports.
Identity is a set of acttitudes and characteristics that differentiate us from other people, identity begins to form inside the family nucleus and is determined mainly by the environment in which the individual develops, then adolescence shows up and society comes into play, there we adopt other values and even modify some of our own, the society in which we develop will tell us which values are more accepted than others, but when we reach adulthood, we are a little more capable of determining what we accept and what we don´t, but our identity has already formed.
A sociological theory by Goffman states that in places like boot camps and prisons, resocialization occurs. These places are termed total institutions. <span>Total institutions exert total control over the lives of people who live there. The places try to eliminate the individual identity and subject them to harsh treatment.</span>
Environmental-protection laws can be bad for the economy
because they may increase unemployment. This is because The passage of
environmental-protection laws may result in higher prices which will in turn
stifle market demand. Falling demand will result in firms decreasing supply and
laying off workers.
Answer: People respond to incentives
What is an incentive?
An incentive refers to the punishment or reward that will affect how a person act towards a particular situation. Logically people decide their actions based on what the benefits will be.
Incentives determines the function of the market world for instance when a price of a particular brand of bread decide to raise their price people may decide to buy other brand of bread more than they buy the expensive brand of bread.
The incentive of being in a smoke free restaurant is causing people to drive all the way for just that benefit.