The appropriate response is self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a forecast that straightforwardly or in a roundabout way makes itself turn out to be valid, by the very terms of the prediction itself, because of positive criticism amongst conviction and conduct.
It is most likely A.
Criminal cases (such as murders, felonies, etc.) have to have evidence from the state (camera recordings (probably from a store or a street camera), autopsies (probably), etc.).
Think of Law and Order cases.
Civil cases (ex. a person suing another person) have to have evidence from their own possession (ex. if a person is suing another for ruining their fence, they must bring evidence that the sued person actually did it, such as a camera recording they took from their phone). Think of Judge Judy cases.
Although I'm not 100% sure, it is very likely that the answer is A.
The diameter is 16
The circumference is 50.27