Visibility and configuration of security.
The visibility and configuration of security represents a set of features that enables the user to inform himself whether a security feature is in operation or not and whether the use and provision of services should depend on the security feature.
There are two ways to insert the new column or row in the table.
<u>Method I</u>
i. Select the cell where you want to add a new row or column,
ii. Click on Home Tab
iii. Find insert button in Cells Group.
iv. Click on Insert Row or Insert Column button.
By following above mentioned steps we can add a row or column in Excel sheet.
<u>Method II</u>
i. Select the cell where you want to add a new row or column,
ii. Right Click on the selected Cell.
iii. Find Insert Button in drop down menu and Click on Insert.
iv. There are four options in POP menu, choose Entire Row or Entire Column to insert row or column.
Optima battery because it is stronger than a factory battery
C. Accept the risk
The first option is close but might not be suitable for a small company considering it's cost.
The second option which is to spend fifty thousand dollars per year on a data loss prevention solution is projected to cost you more than the risk.
The third option isn't specific and lacks a course of action.