Answer: Reusing software device has some economical challenges such as:
- Investment cost in reusing the device is considered as the extra cost.It might require some extra components for the working to become usable
- Requires skilled person who can develop and design the software to be used again.The creating and designing of new software design is comparatively easy but making the system reusable requires someone who has more designing skill who will be highly paid for the work
- Cost of writing and reading of the software can also be considered as the economical challenge as the reused system created is to be studied by some other organization members or sources not familiar with the functioning. .
In order to narrow the search and get more precise and more efficient Internet research, Elizabeth should use unique and specific terms, should not use common words, she could use some search engines also (Exploratium, Teoma,...) ..., use different search engines search engines, like Yahoo!, Bing, Startpage, or Lycos.
Task manager
Allows you to force quit applications.
// Variable to keep track of array size
int length = 0;
// Array itself
int array[] = {};
// while loop will take input in the array until a negative number is entered
stdin = new Scanner(;
array[length] = stdin;
length +=1;
// int variable to terminate while loop
int i =0;
// keep track of index of output array
int y =0;
while(arr[i] != length){
// making output array
int output[]={}; bool flag;
// put the element in out put array considering if it the desired one
output[y] = array [i];
// Now check if it was the desired?
for(int z=1;z<=length;z++){
flag = true;
if(array[i+z+1]=output[y] && flag == true){
output[y] = array[i];
//output the array
for(int o=0;o<y;o++)