So we want to know how can an object have three different weights at different times. So weight is Fg=m*g, where m is the mass of the objecct and g is the gravitational acceleration. On Earth, g=9.81 m/s^2, in space g is much less and on the moon g=1.625 m/s^2 So we see that the object changes its weight by moving it to space and on the Moon.
Usually blood transports nutrients
Answer: Nonpolar lipid layers
Pericarditis,an infection with an accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac,can lead to cardiac attack ,as the fluid compress the heart and stops from beating.
Pericarditis is mainly caused by viral infection in the respiratory tract.Pericarditis is an autoimmune disorder as they release antibody which attack body's own tissue and cells.
Pericarditis mainly affect people with age between 20-50
Pericarditis means inflammation in the pericardium region which is a sac like like structure and surrounds the heart.
The symptoms include Chest pain,Cardiac attack and some times cause death.
Pericarditis may be acute as it happens suddenly and does't lasts for longer time.