The CBA (sometimes called BCA) is when a company SUMS up the benefits of a business related action and then the costs associated with that action are subtracted.
This long of a question for onmly 10 points? But ill answe rit anyway. 48000299 the 200
raw materials 197900
accounts payable 197900
WIP 161830
factory overhead 5270
raw materials 167100
WIP 85500
factory overhead 7600
wages payables 93100
factory overhead 53000
accounts payable 53000
factory overhead 17150
acc. Dep-equipment 17150
dep expense* 14800
acc. Dep- Off Building 14800
WIP** 70965
factory overhead 70965
Finished Goods*** 251747
WIP inventory 251747
* as the building is not related to the manufacturing process we cannot capitalized through inventory We will record as cost ofo the period therefore, depreciation expense
** the aplied overhead will be the amount of direct labor added during the period time 83%
85,500 x 83% = 85,500 * 0.83 = 70,965
*** we will have to add up the jobs cost to detemrinate how much of the work in process inventory becomes finished good
Job Materials // Labor // Overhead
A20 $ 37,740 $ 19,200 + 19,200 x 0.83
A21 $ 44,320 $ 23,600 + 23,600 x 0.83
A23 $ 41,770 $ 27,100 + 27,100 x 0.83
Total 251,747
34,900 injuries a year and around 80deaths per year